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Good and bad money management

Are you and your partner good at managing money? It’s very easy to get trapped into a cycle from which it’s hard to escape.

Without a budget or putting your needs and wants in priority the money is gone before you know it. Your “flexible friend” or credit card is so easy to use. You don’t keep a record, ignore the statements and bills that come through the door and slowly but surely you are creeping into debt. Without any planning it’s easy to be tempted into buying what you can’t afford. Perhaps you chose interest free credit and then didn’t pay it off in time – suddenly it’s no longer the bargain you thought it was, but a millstone around your neck You’re spending more on servicing your debts than the thing cost in the first place. What can you do?

There is a better way. Start with a planned budget and keep regular checks on how things are going. It helps o know what you have coming, what are essentials and what little extras you can afford. Stick to your budget, sorting out your priorities. Make sure you know the difference between what you need and what you want but isn’t essential.

Keep your credit card spending under control If necessary do without it, either leave the card at home when you go shopping, or at least ensure you only have one to keep track of. Make sure you open and check all your bills. Pay them as soon as you can and don’t ignore them. It always helps to have some money put aside for emergencies or for little extras that you haven’t budgeted for.

  • Do you know how much money you have coming in each week/month?
  • Have you got a budget which you check regularly?
  • How many credit cards do you have? Do you pay the bills on time?
  • Whose responsibility is it to see the bills get paid? Can you put any on direct debit?
  • What provision have you got for savings or emergencies?
  • Are you good at sticking to your budget?
  • Do you have any debts that could be re-scheduled? Why not talk to your bank manager or the Citizens Advice Bureau?

Tip by Liz Percival

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