Thread: What can I do?
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Old 28th March 2011, 10:54 AM   #2
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Re: What can I do?

I do think that you need to look inside yourself as to why you keep acting like this. You cheated on your first wife, you cheated on your second and now you have had this emotional affair with your third. Your wife is not innocent either, she committed adultery with you while you were still married to another lady,and she was married to another man.
I am not sure that you know this, but marriages that start after adultery rarely last, as has been proved in your life. After all you cheated with her on your wife at that time so how can your wife really ever trust that you wont do it to her, and can you ever really trust her, because she too has had an affair with you, cheating on her own husband. Not a good start to any marriage.
It sort of seems strange that she has reacted to strongly over this,when its what she did herself(and far worse)to your second wife and to her husband.

However you have a child, so its worth waiting and being patient and hoping that she changes her mind in time. Its early days yet and she may come round.
Use this time to examine why you cant seem to be faithful and why you have ruined all of your marriages, unless you want to carry on like this for the rest of your life. Flirting isnt acceptable behaviour for a married person, ever.
You cant force her to change her mind but you can just act in an adult way and be a good dad and see what happens.
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