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Old 27th November 2014, 10:27 AM   #16
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 6,409
Re: Anxiety in the marriage

It's not about how good we are DL it's about how good He is. We will always be weak but we are told to be strong in Him. He is our strength. That is the whole secret. You must know that we are not saved by good works but by faith in Him. There's no condemnation for those in Christ because He has taken any penalty of our sin on Himself. Our freedom is in Him.

It is possible that this fear of germs/sickness has been passed down the line from your mother but if that is the case you can be cut off from that. If there was an opening for it possibly when you were sick then that can be dealt with as well as can all the other stuff. I am not saying it is like a vending machine all in one go, although that can happen. We need to grow into and adjust to the healing that we get because we are so used to the old mechanisms. There is a place for walking in our healing. That's why I emphasise relationship with Christ. If Christ died for you on the cross why would He not now freely give you all things? It takes time to appropriate all that God has done for us but we need to make a start. Seeking the baptism of the Spirit would be a good start if you haven't already received. See Luke 29:49 and Acts 19:6 plus lots of other scriptures.
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