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Old 8th December 2012, 08:21 AM   #4
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Re: I am finding it difficult to forgive

Thank you for your answers. He doesn't have any abuse that I know of. I confronted him about the fetish thing and he kept saying no he doesn't but I don't believe this neither and he is highly unlikely to admit to that anyway.
The problem I now have is that he believes I've forgiven him but whenever we argue and I bring it up he looks like I should have forgotten about this now and he gets angry that I've brought it up. Why can't he understand that I will never forget about it? And it was so soon into our marriage as well and it makes me think what was he doing when we were courting? Did he ever cheat?
I have told him that we need to speak to someone in our church but he refuses and tells me he will go somewhere else if I do that and I feel pressurised not to say anything even though I need to as I have told no one about this and I've been carrying this all myself and it's making me feel trapped. I keep picking fights with him and being off as I can't get this horrible thing out of my head. I should be focussing all my attention on our baby but all I can think is how could he have done this not only to me so close to giving birth as well but also to our daughter as she suffered by not having her dad save money for her because he chose to spend it on this filth
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