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Old 29th March 2011, 10:03 PM   #14
Posts: n/a
Re: Impact of divorce on children

This discussion will rage on. All the stats are a load of rubbish to me, and can be thrown out of the window. My parents split when I was 9yrs old. I lived at home with my mother, and sister. My dad moved in with my grandmother. We would see my dad twice-a-week (Wednesday & Saturday). My sister and I had an identical upbinging, neither parents had much money. My sister, in her teens turned out to cause the family a lot of heartache, with regular visits to the police station. However I have never been brought any sort of trouble to my family. This being an identical upbringing. If a child is going to be a problem, they will be a problem whether the parents are together or not. I know plenty of families who have had problems with children whose parents have been at home, equaly seperated parents who have had no problems at all their children.
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