Thread: wife left
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Old 3rd August 2013, 04:55 PM   #1
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wife left

This entry is a bit late but I've only just discovered the site. I wish it had occurred earlier.
Having read of similar occurrences on this site I thought it appropriate to enter my own experience.

My wife of (then) 48 years suddenly elected to leave me following a 'holiday' in Europe .
Upon her return something was obviously different but I was unable to identify it very well. Gradually she began sliding away for visits to her friends and a local relative. Over time those trips became more frequent and the duration longer. Add to this the desire to clean out "old clothes" as well as dishes etc., and finally one extended absence during which I was unable to locate her.

And then the hammer dropped : she simply announced that she had "no feelings anymore" but conversation beyond that was totally stilted and one sided in that I tried to probe and understand - while she sat quietly and looked at her feet. No tangible exchange ever took place . During our marriage there were virtually no arguments, I don't drink , never wandered and we were , according to friends , "joined at the hip" . I did nothing without her. No weekends away , no "guy things" . It was / is total devotion .
But the hoped for explanation and my conclusion that this was simply a passing event, never occurred.
I immediately attended counseling , she refused. I sought guidance
from the church ,she refused. I asked for help from friends , she
would not participate.

In mid March 2013 , the final judgement was issued and I'm now
a heartbroken individual , my retirement in tatters and my life
in limbo. I begged on my knees that she not "do this" . She had no response but simply moved on.
According to law , which she well knew apparently , I have no alternative available to me. She is "entitled" to half of everything. There is no appeal under the circumstances. She has destroyed my golden years and apparently has no second thoughts.

If none of the above means little -- she also abandoned a life style that few get to enjoy AND a son , with whom she has had no contact.

As I write this I continue to live my daily life in denial but with little hope of anything changing.

And - I'm heartbroken and quite unlikely to improve . At this age I can only look forward to a somewhat foreshortened life span.....and an unwanted life as a bachelor .

Surely the vows mean more than this .
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