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Old 22nd September 2010, 06:37 AM   #2023
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Re: Living In A Sexless Marriage

Good post
In the Bible Jesus does say that divorcing for 'pornea' is allowed.The word pornea means many different types of sexual immorality and not just adultery. Long term porn and masturbating is surely sexual immorality, therefore can be grounds for divorce as a last resort, if God leads that way.I actually know a Christian lady who divorced her husband for this, when she found out that he was looking at porn with their small children playing in the same room.She knew that God was leading her to do this, and in fact he is now only allowed once a week supervised acces to the children, thats how seriosusly the judge viewed it. So sad.

I have heard of cases where the husband did get help and stopped when the wife either left, or said she would if it didnt stop. For some men it is the shock that is needed to actually stop.(or at least get the help needed to stop). It may not have worked for you but it does for some.
The alternative is to allow him to carry on ruining the marriage, the spouse, and yes, he will also be damaging the children. You cant have these things going on in a house and not be affected by it. Yes there is a history and children, but to stay and allow him to keep on with this, is deadly for him and everyone else. As a Christian he is on a very slippery slope unless he stops. Is it easy to seperate? Of course not, but sometimes it is the ONLY way to stop it. What is the alternative?
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