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Old 10th April 2009, 08:02 AM   #2
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Re: Being 'kind' to the adultery partner?

I don't know why the anger is always directed at the other woman? Listen, he is the one who had the sex with another. He probably lied through his teeth and told her he was separated or that you were a "hag from hell." I bet she was all in sympathy for the "poor guy" and he told her you made his life miserable.

You really need to think about this.... that if she was calling/texting him, it is because he set it up that way. He gave her the number, didn't he? Keep your hate and discontent at home and direct it to the RESPONSIBLE party, HIM. She is probably just as victimized as what he did to you. He is a SCUZ and you are in denial if you don't see it that way.

This type of man will say anything to get it his way so he is a hunter and if she cared about ihim, it is because he painted a real nice picture of him and told her all the bad stuff about his wife. He got her sympathy. You really don't know that man at all.

No contact with her is the best idea. Take it with class and deal with him. She is not the black widow spider. He is the lying, cheating one. Blame him!