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Old 19th March 2013, 08:45 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Re: I feel betrayed!


I dont think I am any expert on relationships but I can strongly relate to this, so I felt that I should say something in it. I had the same issue starting from a very young age and yes, I am from India as well. Guess the reason I got it was genetic because my father had it as well. Also in India, houses are built to adapt to hot weather so during winters, the cold is unberable because of massive rooms and going out from a warm room to the lounge etc.

Also I had an extreme year when I got blisters all over my hands with water coming out. All of my fingers were covered in bandages. It only happened once, thank goodness When I moved to Scotland (I am sure that you are aware of the cold weather in Scotland!), I was very scared that it will happen again and probably in the worse form. It certainly did happen a few times but It has gone completely for several years now. Also I know a few people who had the same issue and it stopped after a couple of years.

I am sure you have warm houses in Canada, even if she gets cold feet and hands, she should wrap them up in home. I have worn three (even four) pair of socks to keep my feet warm and it works. I even wear two pair of gloves to keep my hands warm when I am going out. As for inside the house, she can still wear a pair of socks. The only solution is keeping warm and I am sure it will work because it did for me, even in my last few years in India. You can also get the gloves with the ability to warm up the hands quickly and thermal socks as well.

As for the issue of telling you, I had a sort of arranged marriage but we got to know each other before we moved in together. I am sure I mentioned it to my husband at some point before it but it was only because I was comfortable talking to him about anything at that point. If you didnt get a chance to know each other beforehand, I would certainly see myself not telling it to someone I barely know. Not because I want to hide (because it will ultimately surface anyways, no matter what!) but because it is not a major ailment to jeopardise a married life.

You never mentioned that you love her. Does this have anything to do with it? I hope you are not making an excuse to get out of your marriage because this problem certainly is a minor one compared to the real issues that many people face in marriage!

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