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Old 12th December 2007, 01:54 PM   #17
Posts: n/a
Re: More Advice Needed Please! Greatly appreciated!

Hello.......just like my mom

Thank you again for your kind words. You are very much like the mom 'I used to have' when she was not suffering from her mental illness.

He did call me yesterday, asking me if I was avoiding him or was angry at him. I said, no not at all, I just said that I recognized he was busy with his trip and he sounded extremely stressed when I spoke to him Sunday. I actually did not think I would hear from him again. He said, do you think I would just leave you without saying goodbye? He said, he wished to get together with me at a local coffee shop, he did not ask to see me at my apartment. I will give him back his videos. It is all legitimate. I intend to keep it that way. I would NEVER cheat with someone who is promised to another woman for the intention of marrying.

Yes, he and I got along well as we shared a common intellectual, and mental connection. Of course we are attracted to each other, but that aside., i would not overstep the line. I recognize the limitations in culture of which he appears to strongly adhere to. I am meeting him only for coffee. As friends only and to wish him well, as I would do with any other friend who was leaving on a trip abroad.

I will heed your advice, and keep it all above board.

Thank you, 'Just like my mom'.............I will keep you posted.

Bless you.
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