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Old 2nd June 2020, 06:42 PM   #3
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 1,579
Re: Please help! Condom conundrum

That's a tough one - but you have taken the right first step - praying.

I think the next step is to share with your husband how much the incident is hurting on the inside - not in any way accusing him - just share honestly the pain and heartache - and how much all the turmoil inside is hurting you. Explain to him it will take some time for you to move on, and ask him to be understanding of you over the next few days.

And then it's back to prayer - you need to take the pain to the Lord, and ask him to give you the strength to forgive your husband, and to set aside this incident. Forgiveness depend wholly on grace - being willing to put this aside whether or not he has done something, has said sorry or not.

Of course, on a purely practical level you may want to see your doctor to be checked for any infections, just to be on the safe side.

I appreciate that what I have said may seem really challenging - but unless you can forgive, you start a spiral of suspicion and doubt that will eat away at you relationship just as surely as whatever he has/hasn't done. Just don't let the devil have a foothold!

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