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Money makes the world go around!

By Kate

What are my attitudes towards money?

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  1. Do I like to spend money as soon as I get it or to save it up?
  2. Do I feel secure when we have savings in the bank?
  3. Do I think it’s a good idea having a joint account or do I prefer separate accounts?
  4. Do I see the money I earn as mine or ours?
  5. Do I see the money you earn as yours or ours?
  6. Is it important for me to know I am providing financially for the family? How do I feel about that?
  7. If we were given a tax rebate/ inheritance of £10,000 how should we spend it?
  8. If you/I lost our job tomorrow, how would I cope with less money coming in?
  9. What order of priority would I give these in our spending ((10=highest, 1 lowest):
    • Mortgage/rent
    • Car/transport
    • Housekeeping/maintenance
    • Holiday
    • Gifts
    • Going out (pubs/meals/movies etc)
    • Hobbies
    • Savings
    • Lottery/betting
    • Clothes
    • School fees
  10. If I was buying an expensive item, would I look for value for money/top of the range/appearance/quality/cheapest?
  11. If I had £200 to spend on you, how would I spend it?
  12. Do I think we should budget regular?
  13. Do we keep accounts of our spending properly?
  14. Do we give enough to charity?
  15. Do I see myself as generous/mean/greedy/sensible?
  16. Do I consider your views when planning how to spend money?
  17. Do we need some expert advice on money matters?

Could this be you?

Some tips if you’ve got money problems

In this article
- Introduction
- Could this be you?
- What are my attitudes towards money?
- Some tips if you’ve got money problems

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